With a long experience in Human Resources we have had the opportunity to practice in all the
different fields covered by the HR function.
Actually, from the technical or the strategic aspects, to those from human relations or career and personal development, our expertise addresses all
the different disciplines of Human Resources, from a business or project mode point of view.
Our previous experience in management positions within HR brings us an organisational vision of the function, and a deep knowledge on how to implement it in companies.
Our expertise also covers complex HR files such as redundancy plans or the multiple forms of reorganisations (mergers, buying a company, outsourcing, closing of entities, ...).
Our experience also includes expertise in the different management roles which enable us to have a strategic view of Human Resources and to deal with all the HR subjects from the most conceptual ones to the most practical ones.
Our services
The services that we propose are, as examples, the following :
Help you build your HR strategy and vision,
Coach HR teams in their development as a performing team,
Assistance in setting up new technical solutions, new HR systems or new HR processes,
Evaluate your HR function with the appropriate audit,
Target, prepare, launch and handle recruitment campaigns,
Define and set up your training policy,
Set up competency and talent management,
Accompany the role out of a redundancy plans (social plan),
Help, coach and form the managers in the handling of redundancy files or social plans,
Fulfill ad interim an HR management role,
Of course this list is not exhaustive and only gives examples of HR fields on which we can work together.
Our expertise Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Social Audit also enables us to help you in the various missions you plan to have in that field.
Our specificities
With a coaching approach, our specificity is in the way we see the role of an HR consultant.
Actually we will work with you as partners, which means that we are going to define together precisely your needs, and we will roll out together the mission so that it will bring the exact result you expected.
Our conviction is that a sustainable change of your organisation can only be effective if the different stakeholders take full owneship of the change. For us a consultant or an expert who brings his knowledge, makes an implementation and leaves without caring for the sustainability of his work, has failled to his mission !
The changes must be accompanied from the start to the end, not only with operational technicality, but also with coaching and training.
The 3 dimensions are interlinked and ensure the success of change !